Blessings & Bane #162

Gina L. Ryan
May 25, 2024


Human remains once

satisfied the earthen soil,

enriching the plants.

Today we chemicalize the dead for socioeconomic, religious, and “scientific” purposes, often paying grave robbers to abscond with the bodies for other modern customs such as medical cadaver use and endless experimentation. In many regions today the soil is dead and while that is a multifactorial problem it appears likely to lead to one fatal solution: famine.

How do you think plants came by their nutritive and life-saving medicinal properties in the first place? Indigenous plants may be informed by the DNA absorbed through their roots as to how that person or animal died, even signaling a response to mass deaths and thwarting future plagues. It makes sense that the plant systems would do this to support the cycle of life. Truly food for thought, Gina.

May 23, 2024



Gina L. Ryan

Indie writer currently journaling online as a companion piece to my WIP (Dear Asher, Love Mom), a tragicomedy autobio. Sometimes a radical poet.